Silicon lined cuffs

A lot of people have asked what manacles we are wearing in last week’s clip. I realised I never showed you the video from when I ordered them. We both have a pair of personal custom made cuffs. But from different manufacturers. It is not cheap to have them made, but it is definitely worth having manacles in your size! Go for broad cuffs, so you can struggle and wriggle without hurting yourself. Heavy cuffs are the best, don’t go for cheap cuffs, because you will have to order better ones later anyway, so it is best to spend some money on good ones.
Remember I cuffed myself to a wall a few weeks ago? Well, me and Anahi decided to take it one step further. Maybe one step too far… we were manacled to the wall this time, with heavy cuffs, hands well above our heads. We couldn’t escape and we were stuck there for a long time. Our hands went cold and tingly and we got very sore muscles from this. Again, don’t try this at home!
Oh my god, I can’t even look at my old videos. Look at my hair!! This video was never published, I think I got a pair of handcuffs from to review, they were slightly big, but I couldn’t get out of them. They have leather lining and a padlock locking. The chain is attached to it, so there is no way of making the chain shorter (which I would have liked). They are nice and heavy and I slept with them for weeks after receiving them! Haha!
Have you ever been locked up with your arms over your head? Well, after a while you won’t feel your arms anymore! It is torture! But these super cool manacles are so nice, I wanted to stay locked for as long as possible! There was absolutely no escape this time, so we had to wait for someone to put the key into our hands!!