A new mysterious present from a fan

This is one of the best presents I’ve ever received since I had this blog. A fan MADE a leather belt for handcuffs!!! It is amazing, see me and Anahí try it on in this video! We both think that it is fun and comfortable and very pretty! And finally I have a belt that is girl sized (small waist)! Thank you fans for your presents and comments! Love you so much x
A fan of this website wrote me about the rope restraints he came up with. They are a form of twisted rope that can be made into restraints, and they looked very interesting! Surprisingly enough, he offered to make 2 waist belts with cuffs for me and Anahí, custom made to our measurements! I choose black rope and Anahí wanted a pink one!
Very soon after that, we received a parcel containing our new rope waist restraints! It took us a while to figure out how to use them, but we immediately liked the look of these ropes! They look very nice, and they are wel made! Are they secure? Well, not really, they are not secure enough for me and Anahí, but we are trained professionals! We need metal or we will escape! Still, a very big thanks and hugs from me and Anahí to this fan who was kind enough to make these restraints for us and to send them!! You know who you are!
I really am receiving lots of challenges now! This time there’s someone who wants to see me cuff myself to my belt loops. And also use leg irons (but I don’t see how that makes it harder). Here it goes! It turned out to be a fairly good challenge, but not too hard. I have also received some questions about the CuffGirl T-shirt, email me if you are interested to get your own superhero C shirt! You can get men’s or women’s and all kinds of sizes :) It would be great to see people on the streets in CuffGirl shirts LOL! :-)
I love all my blog readers and fans!! Especially when they send me stuff :-) That is so cool! This package came in the mail and it had some mysterious handcuffs in them. Plus a letter telling me that the first challenge was to actually find the keyholes on these things. Silly me put the cuffs on my wrists immediately after opening the package. Next time I have to remind myself that people may send me faulty cuffs on purpose, so I need to test them first :-) Ooops…
Well, anyway, finding the keyholes was not a big problem, but one of the cuffs didn’t open… so I was stuck… which makes for a rather long video of me working out why it wouldn’t open anymore. I’m pleased to say that I have since managed to unlock the other cuff (phew!) :-)