Heavy pipe clamps

The heavy pipe clamps versus Hannah! She is so cute, because she is still amazed at all the different restraints we keep finding! The heavy scaffolding clamps are not meant to be used on girls of course, but we do it anyway because we love to get creative! They are heavy but actually pretty comfortable and they rotate, as Hannah finds out. A piece of pipe makes sure she can’t reach her other hand. Let’s see if Hannah can figure this out!

Hannah versus the blue box!

The blue box! Of course, I had to show Hannah this clever device that makes the keyholes inaccessible. Combined with a waist chain with the padlock on her back, Hannah will be unable to escape even if she has a key!
By the way, 2017 was a fantastic year where we met many of you dear fans at our fan day! Also, we tried all sorts of crazy things and some more serious ones. I wish next year will be even better than this one and that you find the time and space to be cuffed in 2018!

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for a great year of challenges, fan meetings, and cuff games! My Christmas present to you is bringing in another one of my girlfriends and introducing her to cuffs! She is brand new! Her name is Zara and she is a lot of fun! It will be a lot of fun to introduce her to the challenges and games in 2018!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you will get cuffed a lot during these holidays, just like me, Chrissy, Hannah, and Zara!! x

Wooden Fiddle!
Hannah scorpioned in the morning!
Handcuff Lessons
Hannah – elbow hogtie
Predicament challenge by Chrissy!

Chrissy is still working behind the scenes, putting us in crazy challenges from time to time. This one was so hard! We are cuffed back to back, and the key is hanging from a ceiling chain. We can’t reach the key, and we have to cooperate to move (for example stand up). It is impossible! But that’s what makes it fun!

LOL ballgag

We are curious girls and we love experimenting with the presents we get. This time is is a really funny gag, but reaaaally funny. The gag itself is laughing, like the LOL emoji! LOL! You know we are more into cuffs than anything but from time to time is good to experiment with something else (while also using cuffs of course, otherwise what’s the point?). I bet you haven’t seen a gag like this. Thank you to the fan who sent it to us!
Oh, and eeeeeewww drooling…

Neck to ankles hogtie (don’t try at home)

Cuffing your neck to your ankles is not very safe! You need to support yourself with your hands. If you make the chain really short, you have to be very very flexible in your lower back (like Hannah) to avoid choking yourself. It gets harder and harder to hold yourself up. Do not try this at home, it is dangerous! But it is secretly a lot of fun :D

WTF? Elbow traps!

Have you ever seen these things? They are called elbow traps and we got a few of them (email us if you want to buy some)! They are crazy devices that are very frustrating, because your wrists are free but you are still trapped. It is impossible to get your arms out and you can’t escape even if you have the key!

Chinese bar handcuffs
Hinged cuffs are a lot harder
Hannah in the RigidStocks!

There is a first time for everything, so Hannah must go in the stocks of course! She was a bit scared of the huge scissor contraption, but when she was locked into it, she had a great time! Hannah just looks so amazing in these stocks! She is definitely getting used to all the restraints and she is becoming a happy CuffGirl now!

Hogcuff challenge!

It seems you like hogcuffs the most, because they are requested so much! Hannah hasn’t been hogcuffed very often, so I wanted to do a little challenge with her! We are hogcuffed (ankles to wrists), but also elbow cuffed with hinged cuffs! This means we can not escape from our own cuffs (elbow cuffs are impossible to escape), so we have to help each other! Needless to say, it was a hard but fun challenge! We hope you will like it!

The spreader positions
Cuffed on the beach

I would not go on holiday without my handcuffs! So here I am, in the waves of the Pacific ocean. Ehm…they may be a bit too strong right now, they almost swallowed me and I almost lost the key!!! It was a whole adventure, even the lifeguard came to ask if I was alright and I was certainly having fun. I hope you enjoy this little update too. Oh before I forget, they took my cuffs at the airport on the way back. It feels like the most normal thing to bring them in the hand luggage but apparently it is not allowed. I am cuffless now :( but in Mexico there is a saying “Nobody can take off what you have already danced” (Lo bailed, nadie te lo quita).

Two girls – Six cuffs
Mittens test

I am not a fan of mittens at all, I just like handcuffs better. Anyhow, I have been busy introducing the whole collection to my friend Hannah and I had to show her why they are so annoying. Some people they say they look cute though, what do you think? In this video Hannah and me test a few things and we find out how hard it is to escape handcuffs in mittens.