LIPS escape – quarantine edition

Zara sent me this video, she seems to be doing ok during these strange times! She cuffed herself to her balcony, which means lots of people can see her (and they did!). She talks about how she is handling this lockdown situation and I think it is very inspirational! She’s so positive! Stay safe everyone!
SPECIAL LOCKDOWN FEELGOOD PRICE FOR THIS UPDATE: ONLY 1 EURO!! Please help me and Zara to get through this hard time by supporting us! Thank you :)
Ooh noooo, Zara has somehow obtained her own pair of Dutch police handcuffs. Now I know I am just going to be cuffed in them whenever she gets the chance to use them. She loves these cuffs way too much. She wanted to be the police officer and I had to be the prison girl… watch the video to find out what happened!!
Two weeks ago we used the LIPS police handcuffs. That day, I secretly kept filming when Zara thought I was letting her out but I locked the cuffs behind her back. Don’t you love her when she gets surprised and a little bit upset? I love my friend Zara :D