Irish8 suprise!!

We received a package from someone with a lot of bondage fun stuff! Of course, I invited Zara over to unpack it, because it was a gift for both of us! It was very nice of them to send all of this stuff over! There’s a lot of stuff in this kit! Cuffs, collars, connectors, a gag, some rope, a small whip, even nipple clamps! Ooooh so exciting!! :D
Good morning! It is Christmas and I wanted to do something special for you, thanking your for all your views and comments!! I have a surprise box! Me and Anahi were super curious to see what’s inside!! It seemed very heavy, I was hoping there would be lots of cuffs in this box!!!! Lots of random cuffs to cuff ourselves very randomly and have some Xmas fun! Please let me know how you are celebrating Christmas! Did anyone else spend time in cuffs?!