Tag Archives: mittens

Mitts are evil!

With Chrissy, I did a lot of mitt escape challenges! Or mitten, whatever they are called. We have gotten our hands on (and in) two new pairs of cute mitts and they are amazing! Very restrictive, small, and they lock with a magnetic lock! They have a D-ring, and if you loop your handcuffs through there, it is impossible to get them off without opening the cuffs first. Which is very hard of course!

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Orange Mitts

We have received these orange prisoner mitts! They are designed for handcuffs to loop through, so when you are locked in a pair of handcuffs including these mitts, you can’t escape even if you happen to find a key! Awesome!

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Metal Mittens

Today I’m trying a pair of interesting mittens made out of metal, with my dear Zara, do you think it is easier or harder to get out? I like the way they look but I prefer just handcuffs. The mittens are great for challenges though, especially if you put the key inside the mittens hahaha

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Mittens test

I am not a fan of mittens at all, I just like handcuffs better. Anyhow, I have been busy introducing the whole collection to my friend Hannah and I had to show her why they are so annoying. Some people they say they look cute though, what do you think? In this video Hannah and me test a few things and we find out how hard it is to escape handcuffs in mittens.

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Cold in cuffs

It’s cold in Holland! It was actually snowing, but then the sun came out and the snow disappeared. Sad! Because Anahí and I did not get a chance to play in the snow in handcuffs! Still, we are doing a report outside, so you can see how cold it really was here!
Fortunately, I have some very very sweet fans! One of you sent me this brand new white winter coat I am wearing!! Thank you so much!! Another fan sent us two pairs of warm mittens last year (to make escapes harder, but they are very nice to wear in the winter)! It’s incredible! If you have any stuff to send us, don’t hesitate hahahah :) Just kidding, you’ll help us more by supporting the blog and buying a few clips! Like this one, you will like it if you are a fan of Dutch police handcuffs!

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Fan request: mitten escape attempt


Here’s one I have been waiting to show you for a long time! A fan sent me two pairs of sheep skin mittens to try and escape. Handcuffs go around the wrists over the mittens, so they effectively lock the mittens to my hands. I can not take them off without escaping the handcuffs first. Will it be harder to escape? Wait and see!! ;-)
A big thanks to all fans who keep sending me great stuff and challenges!

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