Blast from the past! Self cuffing gone wrong

You have asked me: ‘in all your years of cuffing, did anything ever go wrong?’. Well, YES! Many times actually. I have had stuck handcuffs, unreachable keys, bruises, and much more! It is not without danger to be a cuff girl!!
Here’s an old video clip that I never posted because I didn’t escape. I was alone, handcuffed behind my back, and I thought it would be a good idea to cuff one ankle to the radiator so I had to stretch to get the key! I put the key at a distance I can usually get to, but I forgot that I usually do this when I am cuffed in FRONT! And I also didn’t realise that I couldn’t do my usual trick of getting the cuffs to the front, because of the leg irons that are attached to the radiator. I ended up having to call Anahí. Again.