The double hogtie predicament!

Zara left me cuffed without the keys so many times now, I just wanted to get back at her. I told her I wanted to do an experiment where I would turn her into my home decoration. A hogcuffed statue on a box. Of course, I dropped the keys on the floor and left her there. There really was no way out for Zara, she was hogcuffed on a box, and very annoyed!
The what? Well, to make it simple: we got stuck in this very bad situation (as Zara put it). We were both hogcuffed. And neck cuffed to each other. And were going to do a race to see who would get out first. Not helping each other! The problem is, we had heavy Clejuso cuffs on our wrists, so we needed 2 different keys to escape! It was chaos!
A very special guest today!! The famous model Dominique will join me today! She knows a lot about chastity belts and metal bondage, but she didn’t know how to actually put someone in a hogcuff. She never cuffed anyone else! So today I will teach her how to use 1 pair of handcuffs and 1 pair of ankle cuffs to make a hogcuff. I will demonstrate it on her and then I will let her try it on me! Fun times!!
It seems you like hogcuffs the most, because they are requested so much! Hannah hasn’t been hogcuffed very often, so I wanted to do a little challenge with her! We are hogcuffed (ankles to wrists), but also elbow cuffed with hinged cuffs! This means we can not escape from our own cuffs (elbow cuffs are impossible to escape), so we have to help each other! Needless to say, it was a hard but fun challenge! We hope you will like it!
In this challenge, we are both hogcuffed, Anahí on a platform and I am on the floor. The key is somewhere relatively close but far enough to make it an actual challenge to escape. It is specially dangerous for Anahí because she doesn’t want to fall off the platform!! So exciting! Don’t try this at home!
This one is going to be a bit different! It is a real challenge and I was sooooo looking forward to this one! I will try to hogcuff Anahi, but she will resist. So I really will have to fight her to get her into the cuffs! I am much stronger than her, but it still isn’t easy to cuff someone who isn’t cooperating! Epic battle!!
The number 1 question I keep getting is: ‘do you sleep in cuffs?’. Yes, I sleep in handcuffs and leg irons. I know it is strange, but it makes me feel safe and I am used to sleeping like this, since I have been doing so for over 6 years.
In this update, I will show you a few different positions to sleep in. My all time favourite position is to sleep hogcuffed, but DO NOT try that one at home! Only do that if you are very experienced and if you know what you are doing! And ask a friend to keep an eye on you, in case you need to get out in a hurry! It takes a lot of practice to be able to spend your nights hogcuffed!
Here is a little trick, but it is a secret, so don’t tell anyone! With hinged handcuffs, you can cuff someone with their palms facing outwards to try to make it harder to escape. However, most people can simply turn their wrists back inwards, even if you make the cuffs really tight (okay, it hurts, but it can be done).
If you take a pair of thumbcuffs, the wrists can not be turned back, leaving you stuck in the palms out position! Don’t tell anyone!! And don’t try this at home when you are alone! You will really be stuck!
As requested, I will demonstrate this in a hogcuff, not behind a table. The things I do for my fans!! :D hahaha lol
Your requests keep getting better and better! Here is one for a special member! Me and Anahí are hogcuffed on the bed, next to each other. The key is in front of us. But here’s the catch: there is a chain running from my hogcuff to Anahí’s, through the bed headboard! So if I go for the key by inching forward, Anahí has to go as far back as possible, to allow me enough length of chain to reach the key. It is almost impossible, but Anahí managed to give me a just enough slack!! Then of course, we have to get out of the hogcuffs! Incredibly fun challenge, which I would like to do with anyone of you on the upcoming fan day!
Ok, back to handcuffs! More and more fans are writing to see us hogcuffed for a long time! We even did a custom video recently that was very long, just Anahí hogcuffed on the floor for ages! Just helpless, lying there!
Here is a video of us hogcuffed on the couch, like we have spent many afternoons, as we like to be cuffed like this while we discuss what we are going to do in the evening! It is actually a lot more comfortable than you think! It is also good for your back and shoulders! Don’t hesitate to try this at home! Find a friend and have a nice hogcuffed conversation for a few hours! It is worth it!
Today, I will show you how to hogcuff a person using a pair of handcuffs and a pair of leg irons (no padlock needed!!). Anahí is my willing test subject, she will climb on the table to be cuffed. Don’t worry about her, she enjoys being cuffed almost as much as I do!
The only thing is… Anahí forgot that I still want to take revenge for her tickle attack last week!! I found the most dirty magazine I could find and placed a particularly dirty image right under her nose. She was hogcuffed and forced to look at it!! Brilliant revenge!!
A request again! Well two requests :) Some of you wanted to see us in white socks (it has been asked numerous times, you know who you are!). And prison jumpsuits are popular too! Well, today we are wearing both, AND we are going to hogcuff ourselves! Instead of starting the update in hogcuff, we will now show you how we can both hogcuff ourselves and stay locked like that.
We can slide and turn on our bellies and we are pretty quick in hogcuffing ourselves. Well, I am, Anahí made a mistake in the video which was kind of hilarious :) Lol, she is such a cutie! Enjoy seeing us prison girls in hogcuffs? Please consider supporting us by purchasing the full picture set and video clip! It is not expensive and it will help us a lot! Thanks! xxx
We took the challenge! We were shooting a hogcuff video, but then we thought: ‘what if we tried to stay hogcuffed all afternoon?’. Well, let me tell you: that is much harder than you think! Much harder! I have a trick where I can get onto my knees from a hogcuffed position, and with a little help, Anahí learned it too, but it really digs into your wrists and ankles sitting like that. So you go back onto your stomach all the time, that is the most comfortable!
We are now looking for photographers (in Holland) to shoot us hogcuffed, because this position is so popular and we could use some extra money! We really hope someone is interested in hogcuffing us, we will even bring our own cuffs!
True fans may remember I already did this last year, but I love this so much I just had to do it again. This time in bare feet, since SO MANY of you requested this!
I have spent hours in this position, even slept in it! Yes, I did! I will show you how to get in this position by yourself, using the great Dutch LIPS handcuffs. These cuffs are so great, they might be the reason I moved to Holland! Well, not really, because UK speedcuffs are even better ;)
I’m trying to think of things to do while in this position, because I get so bored, please let me know if you have any ideas! Oh and please try this at home! And send me pictures of course!!
When Anahí cuffed me to the bed and left me to sleep like that, I was furious! (And I loved it.) But I was still going to get my revenge! I thought of a great way to hogcuff Anahí on the bed, using an overhead chain between both ends, and then cuffing my poor little Mexican friend to it!
I think however, that I took things a little too far this time. In this video, Anahí honestly doesn’t know what is coming after I hogcuff her. Nor did she agree to any of the things I did to her. I dripped ice cold water on her back and then I gagged her with a piece of duct tape. After all this, I felt quite sorry for Anahí, and she did not talk to me for a few days… This was too much!!
We asked for harder challenges, so you sent us one! It was an idea from (check it here), and it is great! We are hogcuffed on the floor, but to make it extra hard to help each other, we are kept at a distance by a spreader bar. This also means we can not get up (like I usually do) to a sitting position.
And yes, I am wearing white socks (for all the people who keeping asking for white socks)!! Do you want to see if me and Anahí can cooperate and get out of this very extreme hogcuffing? Just watch the video clip, it is very good! Do you have more challenges for us? Send them in or leave them as a comment!