Tag Archives: girls in cuffs
Hannah versus the blue box!

The blue box! Of course, I had to show Hannah this clever device that makes the keyholes inaccessible. Combined with a waist chain with the padlock on her back, Hannah will be unable to escape even if she has a key!
By the way, 2017 was a fantastic year where we met many of you dear fans at our fan day! Also, we tried all sorts of crazy things and some more serious ones. I wish next year will be even better than this one and that you find the time and space to be cuffed in 2018!

Wooden Fiddle!
Handcuff Lessons
Predicament challenge by Chrissy!

Chrissy is still working behind the scenes, putting us in crazy challenges from time to time. This one was so hard! We are cuffed back to back, and the key is hanging from a ceiling chain. We can’t reach the key, and we have to cooperate to move (for example stand up). It is impossible! But that’s what makes it fun!

Neck to ankles hogtie (don’t try at home)

Cuffing your neck to your ankles is not very safe! You need to support yourself with your hands. If you make the chain really short, you have to be very very flexible in your lower back (like Hannah) to avoid choking yourself. It gets harder and harder to hold yourself up. Do not try this at home, it is dangerous! But it is secretly a lot of fun :D

Hinged cuffs are a lot harder
Hogcuff challenge!

It seems you like hogcuffs the most, because they are requested so much! Hannah hasn’t been hogcuffed very often, so I wanted to do a little challenge with her! We are hogcuffed (ankles to wrists), but also elbow cuffed with hinged cuffs! This means we can not escape from our own cuffs (elbow cuffs are impossible to escape), so we have to help each other! Needless to say, it was a hard but fun challenge! We hope you will like it!

Cuffed on the beach

I would not go on holiday without my handcuffs! So here I am, in the waves of the Pacific ocean. Ehm…they may be a bit too strong right now, they almost swallowed me and I almost lost the key!!! It was a whole adventure, even the lifeguard came to ask if I was alright and I was certainly having fun. I hope you enjoy this little update too. Oh before I forget, they took my cuffs at the airport on the way back. It feels like the most normal thing to bring them in the hand luggage but apparently it is not allowed. I am cuffless now :( but in Mexico there is a saying “Nobody can take off what you have already danced” (Lo bailed, nadie te lo quita).

Mittens test

I am not a fan of mittens at all, I just like handcuffs better. Anyhow, I have been busy introducing the whole collection to my friend Hannah and I had to show her why they are so annoying. Some people they say they look cute though, what do you think? In this video Hannah and me test a few things and we find out how hard it is to escape handcuffs in mittens.

Pizza Time!

Sometimes we just leave the webcam thing running and it will record some silly stuff. Like the time we ordered pizzas when we were neck cuffed together. It is fun to be neck cuffed to someone! Make sure you don’t do any sudden movements. If you forget about the neck cuff and you get up to go to the kitchen for example… lol :)

Hannah is extremely flexible!

Hannah is not only curious but also very flexible, especially in her lower back! So I tested her using a chain to hoist her up, in a hogcuffed position. Do NOT try this at home! Hannah is extremely flexible and she can handle it, but cuffs are not made for this (they are too sharp). Maybe I can find some more comfortable cuffs for Hannah and keep her in this position for a long time!

Some time in a waist chain

I wanted to introduce Hannah to the waist chains, but Chrissy isn’t here and I still have to learn how to use all these cuffs properly. We figured it out, but I made Hannah’s chain too loose. She is very flexible and loves to escape, so next time I need to make it a lot tighter if I want to spend some more time with her in waist chains! It will be fun, I love spending time in these, they are so comfortable!

Cuffed Elbows!

Hannah is a very flexible girl, so she needed to get introduced to elbow cuffing as soon as possible! We start with these Dutch police handcuffs, they are so much fun to play with! I show Hannah it is impossible to escape from elbow cuffs, because forearms are too long to reach the keyholes. We are pretty helpless, unless we help each other (never try this on your own). Have you ever been elbow cuffed? Please leave a comment if you have!

Hannah – first time fiddled!

Hannah wanted to know what this intriguing looking device is! Well, it is a fiddle and me and Chrissy have done a lot of interesting escape challenges with these. It is time to introduce Hannah to the great feeling of being fiddled. Then I left her alone and let her figure it out by herself. Hannah is learning fast!

Custom Wrist Cage

Hi guys! This is Anahí writing :) There is so much to teach Hannah, she is completely new to handcuffs, so we have to start with some basics. This will be so much fun! A very nice fan gave me this custom wrist cage and it is very very tight. Inescapable, that’s for sure, but how does it work? Hannah was super curious!

Hogtied Hannah

Hi guys! This is Anahí again. I already introduced you to my friend Hannah, and she will be my handcuff sidekick from now on. The only problem is, she is missing many many years of experience, so I have to explain literally EVERYTHING from scratch, like Chrissy once explained everything to me. Today I will show Hannah what a hogtie is. She loved it so much!!

Introducing Hannah

Hi everyone, it’s Anahí here. Since Chrissy decided to stop, I wanted to find a new friend to do challenges with. And I know just the perfect girl for this: my friend Hannah! I invited her over to try handcuffs for the first time in her life. She was very curious, but since she is inexperienced she made them quite tight :) She tries to explain how it makes her feel. It is so much fun to see someone try cuffs for the first time! I knew she would like it, she didn’t want to take them off haha :)

Miniature handcuffs
Me and Anahi manacled to the wall

Remember I cuffed myself to a wall a few weeks ago? Well, me and Anahi decided to take it one step further. Maybe one step too far… we were manacled to the wall this time, with heavy cuffs, hands well above our heads. We couldn’t escape and we were stuck there for a long time. Our hands went cold and tingly and we got very sore muscles from this. Again, don’t try this at home!