Tag Archives: girls
Something different – mouth spreader

This must be one of the strangest things you ever sent me! A mouth spreader! Or cheek spreader, I don’t know. I do know that they make us look very silly! And almost impossible to understand hahahah! Also, I found out that it is really super dangerous to try and drink something with a spreader in your mouth. No seriously, I almost killed myself. Want to see that? Watch the video, it is hilarious!!

Headball challenge!!
Handcuffed to the wall

This was really dangerous! We were handcuffed to the wall and the key was on the floor! Our arms were falling asleep and were starting to hurt, we had been there for quite a long time! Then Anahí accidentally pushed the key away a little further!! I was so mad! Got thing we were cuffed or I would have hit her! Really! A small mistake like this can make all the difference in an escape challenge! These situations are dangerous, maybe that is why I love it.

Waist chained to each other!

Oh this was so intimate! LOL!! Me and Anahí got chained to each other in waist chains! I was in Anahí’s cuffs and she was in mine. It isn’t that easy to cuff yourself like this, but we did it. And escaping is even more difficult when you are cuffed to someone else! We hurt each other a little when pulling and pushing to get the key and then we had to find the keyholes, but of course we did it. Then we tried it back-to-back, and we also did it! Teamwork!!! I was soooooo dizzy at the end!

Finding the key(s)

Me and Anahí thought it would be a great challenge to do a Key Search! We have handcuffed ourselves behind our backs with speedcuffs (stacked of course, thank you fans for pointing that out!). We are also in leg irons. Since the room and the bed are a big mess of clothes and other junk it won’t be easy to find anything, let alone two very small handcuff keys! Well… I’m still not sure if there were two keys in this mess to begin with, we only managed to find one during the video. Can you guess who found it? It might not be the same person who found it when we shot the pictures… :-[