Tag Archives: fiddles

Female prisoners fiddled to each other

What did we do this time? We misbehaved and now we are stuck to each other in RigidFiddles, sharing a prison cell. Even if we had the key to the fiddle it would be hard to open your own lock. I guess we would have to help each other but we didn’t have the key anyway and no one was going to help us. We even pretended to be dead for a while, but even then no one came!!!

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KUB rigid fiddles


I borrowed two of these KUB fiddle things for us to play with! They are incredibly shiny! Gorgeous stuff! They are heavy too, about 5 lbs! Not bad, I love heavy metal hahahah! These fiddles lock with an allen key. It was pretty hard to lock each other into them because they fold open in a strange way!
But once we were both locked in, it was a lot of fun! A bit big in the collar, but we couldn’t fit our head through anyway. Wrists were perfect!! And they even have a little ring at the end so we could padlock our fiddles together!

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