Elbow hogcuff attempt

What can you do with Hannah, a chain, and a lock? I bet you can think of a thousand things, but this is something that actually not everybody can do and Hannah can do very very well: have her elbows chained together. You would expect it to hurt but it doesn’t, it just puts a lot of pressure on your arms so you may not be able to hold it for long. Of course, Hannah tried it on me too (and I can do it as well). Check it out!
These cuffs are interesting because they don’t use a key. I would not know how to call them, I miss the fans around who were teaching us all this things about cuffs! I learnt a lot at the fan day. However, the best is to do elbow cuffing with them because even without a key you just cannot escape (unless someone is there to help you). They can put a lot of pressure on your shoulders and arms but if you are let out it feels amazing! That relief of pressure. So tight!
Hannah is a very flexible girl, so she needed to get introduced to elbow cuffing as soon as possible! We start with these Dutch police handcuffs, they are so much fun to play with! I show Hannah it is impossible to escape from elbow cuffs, because forearms are too long to reach the keyholes. We are pretty helpless, unless we help each other (never try this on your own). Have you ever been elbow cuffed? Please leave a comment if you have!
Okay okay, after all the comments last time on my bad rope skills, I decided to give it another go. Maybe rope isn’t that bad. It’s not as good as cuffs, and it will never be, no matter what you say, but me and Anahí are very interested in rope bondage and all the things you see on the internet!
We tried an elbow bondage, and you were right: we couldn’t get out! My arms are not as flexible as Anahí’s, so they can’t be tied together, but I still could not get out, as the knots were between the elbows and not near the wrists, so there was no chance we could free ourselves. But we could still help each other!!
Oooh! You know my favourite short hinged Hiatts handcuffs? They are really hard to escape when the keyholes are on the inside. That’s because they are so rigid and small!! Well, now I have found a similar pair, that has been extended! I know, it’s crazy! Why would they make a longer pair of hinged handcuffs!!
Me and Anahí had great fun with them, they are perfect for rigid elbow bondage, in front and behind the back, and Anahí even put them on her ankles, to see if she could walk in them!! If you know more about these cuffs, let me know!!
In this challenge, I will be speedcuffed behind my back, palms out. Then two pairs of Dutch police handcuffs are suspended from the ceiling, locked onto my elbows. As you know, the keys to speedcuffs and Dutch police handcuffs are different. I am holding both keys in my hands and I have to try to escape. If I drop a key I will not be able to pick it up! Also, I have to keep standing on my toes to relieve pressure on my elbows if I want to be able to use my hands.
Unlocking speedcuffs like this is hard enough, but will I be able to unlock the elbow cuffs? If I can do this, it will be one of the most challenging escapes I ever did. Check out the video clip to see if I did it, or if I am left dangling from the ceiling by my elbows! Don’t try this at home!
So here is another request! I will show you how to hogcuff a flexible slim girl using four pairs of Dutch handcuffs! Do not try this at home, not until you have watched my video clip and heard me tell you what things you need to be careful with, and how to apply the cuffs!
Anahí is my willing victim, of course. She loves being cuffed almost as much as I do, and it is very safe to leave her hogcuffed like this for a while. I tried leaving the room, after I put the key on her back, because I know she can not get the elbow cuffs off anyway. But clever girl Anahí already unlocked one pair of cuffs before I got back to her! She is getting better!
I am handcuffed in a very strange way! My left elbow is cuffed to my right wrist and my right elbow is cuffed to my left wrist. The magnificent hinged LIPS handcuffs make sure I don’t have any room to struggle. The only way to get out is to get the key and try to reach a keyhole.
To be honest, I thought this challenge would be really simple, but I was stuck like this for over 2 hours, and I still could not free myself!! This may be my new favourite position!!
Elbow cuffing is hard! Well, for me anyways, because I am not very flexible in my shoulders. It hurts like hell. For Anahí it’s easy. She is very flexible :-( So why did it seem like a good idea to have me cuffed first!? Now I had to endure these LIPS handcuffs on my elbows much longer! And I had to move in a very awkward position to elbow cuff Anahí… Sure, let the least flexible girl do all the work! Sometimes we just don’t think these things over ;-)
Sometimes you guys have very bad ideas! LOL :-D You tell me to try cuffing my elbows in the heavy Clejuso handcuffs, but you don’t warn me to keep someone around to rescue me… because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get out! It doesn’t matter where I put the keyholes, as I found out my forearms are longer than the distance between the cuffs… grrr… So I did this on my webcam, alone, and after a few minutes of struggling these cuffs started to HURT because of the restricted blood flow. Hands tingling, I had to quickly find a neighbour to get me out… thanks guys :-p
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, a new challenge! I saw this one on the internet somewhere, I thought it looked great! I just had to try this.
I cuff one wrist to my elbow and then the other wrist to the other elbow. Complicated, but it feels great! Not much room to move and it is really hard to escape (which is the best feeling ever!).
I am soooo happy right now!!
Aaaah! A new pair of handcuffs! These are the Clejuso 19R! Perhaps they are very rare, who knows :-) I can not tell you how I got them, but I can tell you that I really like them. They are slightly bigger, which means they can also be used on my elbows, to do some pretty amazing tricks. The only problem is that I still have to exercise a lot to get my elbows closer together. It will be very nice to wear these cuffs on my elbows behind my back! I hope to be able to do that soon… for you, of course :-) LOL!
Whoohoo, I have now 2 pairs of Speedcuffs! Well, one pair isn’t from Hiatts, but they’re very similar! I challenged my friend Leley to a Speedcuffs battle. First we cuffed ourselves in front and we unlocked each other, just to show her how they work. Then we cuffed ourselves behind our back and tried to get out as fast as we could. Amazingly, Leley got lucky and she won. Instead of helping me, she grabbed my key and started teasing me! When I was finally released I got another bright idea: I tried cuffing Leley’s elbows together behind her back! It actually worked, and she was so helpless! Even with the key! I wanted to try it immediately, but unfortunately my elbows don’t come close enough behind my back to use the speedcuffs, so Leley cuffed my wrist to my elbow… I have to get practising to get my elbows together though! Does anyone know any good exercises for that?
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