Tag Archives: cuffed girls
Clejuso hogtie!

Going for a walk in cuffs

It is spring! Zara and I were hanging out but it felt pretty dumb to stay in when it was such good weather. To make it even more fun we brought our cuffs. We went exploring a little and we found many new secret spots! We also were cuffed (ankles and wrists) in public, Zara was a little bit nervous and so was I but it went alright, people did not say anything.

Metal Mittens
Hannah scorpioned in the morning!
Hannah is extremely flexible!

Hannah is not only curious but also very flexible, especially in her lower back! So I tested her using a chain to hoist her up, in a hogcuffed position. Do NOT try this at home! Hannah is extremely flexible and she can handle it, but cuffs are not made for this (they are too sharp). Maybe I can find some more comfortable cuffs for Hannah and keep her in this position for a long time!

Some time in a waist chain

I wanted to introduce Hannah to the waist chains, but Chrissy isn’t here and I still have to learn how to use all these cuffs properly. We figured it out, but I made Hannah’s chain too loose. She is very flexible and loves to escape, so next time I need to make it a lot tighter if I want to spend some more time with her in waist chains! It will be fun, I love spending time in these, they are so comfortable!

Me and Anahi manacled to the wall

Remember I cuffed myself to a wall a few weeks ago? Well, me and Anahi decided to take it one step further. Maybe one step too far… we were manacled to the wall this time, with heavy cuffs, hands well above our heads. We couldn’t escape and we were stuck there for a long time. Our hands went cold and tingly and we got very sore muscles from this. Again, don’t try this at home!

Reverse RigidFiddle

A fan suggested that we should try the RigidFiddle with our hands BEHIND our neck. Do NOT try this at home! I am being super careful with my friend Anahí because this is a hard position and not everyone can do it. Amazingly, we made it work! Thanks for suggesting this awesome but very extreme position!

LIPS handcuffs tricks
RigidCuffing ourselves to the bed

Who said RigidCuffs are too rigid to cuff yourself to the bed? Well I don’t know if anyone ever said that, but me and Anahí are certainly going to try if it is true. We have a fiddle and a spreader, so we are just going to try different positions. The only problem is: it is almost certainly going to hurt a little… because these things are RIGID!!

The escape timer
The ultimate escape challenge!

This is it! Don’t miss this one! We have the most difficult cooperation escape challenge for you! In the world! I am blindfolded and my hands are cuffed to my neck. Anahí is ballgagged and neck cuffed to the radiator. She can see the key, but she can not tell me where it is, and she can not reach it. I can not see the key, and asking Anahí for instructions is quite hard because I can barely understand her. Will we be able to escape this predicament? This was very hard!

Cuffed in public!

Lunch!! Well, even cuffgirls have to eat, so we went to a local place to get some lunch. In handcuffs of course! It was sooo exciting! I think a lot of people actually saw us but that’s even more exciting. No one said anything though, they never do! Would you say something if you saw us having lunch in cuffs?

Fiddle and spreader

We saw this on the internet! I know, that’s a bad way to start any challenge, but we did not kill ourselves (yet). This escape challenge is very hard, because we are locked and connected in a fiddle and a spreader. It’s hard to explain, just look at the pictures, but Anahi is basically choking me (very literally) and she is in a really awkward position that’s bad for her back. Will we be able to escape this?

Guess where we are!
Road trip – hiking in ankle cuffs

Here’s the last of the road trip updates, the final part of our trip to the border of the Netherlands and Germany! There was so much countryside to explore, we went to a new area every day in different cuffs! This day, we went for a walk, cuffed behind our backs and in ankle cuffs! Now, ankle cuffs are very hard to walk in, but we are trained professionals (LOL), don’t try this at home! Especially if you are like us and leave the key at the house. Don’t forget you have to walk all the way back too! It hurts a little :)

Road trip – bed time
Road trip – no trespassing

Me and Anahí saw this Christmas tree farm road. It had a sign ‘verboden toegang’ which means ‘no trespassing’. So we just had to get in there!! We were handcuffed and we felt very excited to be in this place without permission! But then someone came! We were hiding between the Christmas trees, it was so scary!! What if they would see us there, locked in our handcuffs? This is the most intense thing I have ever experienced in cuffs!

Road trip – hogcuffed in the big green field!

We spotted this huge green field during our road trip and I said to Anahí: Let’s hogcuff ourselves in the middle of the field! It will be so nice to just be there, surrounded by grass, insects and sun, just helpless!! Of course, Anahí was a little scared, but she did it and we enjoyed ourselves for quite some time! I love being cuffed outdoors!