Tag Archives: coat

Cold in cuffs

It’s cold in Holland! It was actually snowing, but then the sun came out and the snow disappeared. Sad! Because Anahí and I did not get a chance to play in the snow in handcuffs! Still, we are doing a report outside, so you can see how cold it really was here!
Fortunately, I have some very very sweet fans! One of you sent me this brand new white winter coat I am wearing!! Thank you so much!! Another fan sent us two pairs of warm mittens last year (to make escapes harder, but they are very nice to wear in the winter)! It’s incredible! If you have any stuff to send us, don’t hesitate hahahah :) Just kidding, you’ll help us more by supporting the blog and buying a few clips! Like this one, you will like it if you are a fan of Dutch police handcuffs!

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Handcuffed outdoors in the winter time


As you all know, I trying to be in handcuffs as much as possible. Even when I go outside, I am often handcuffed. It is not hard to think of handcuff setups to discretely wear under clothing, that is why I love the winter time! It is much easier to hide my restraints!
Here is a configuration that is one of my favourites, and it is easy to do, so I hope you will follow my example! Lock a neck cuff on, and put a long chain (the length of your arms through the ring. Then cuff your wrists to both ends of the chain using two pairs of standard handcuffs. Now you are all set to go outside! Just put a coat over it and no one will know!
To show it very clearly, I have made a picture set of me cuffing myself in this configuration (and putting a coat on), and an outdoors video, which is probably the funniest I have ever done! I am even doing a handstand against a wall! Yes, fully cuffed in a neck cuff and handcuffs. Don’t try that at home please, I’m a professional! LOL!

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