Hinged vs Chain handcuffs on ankles: the race!

Did you know about the shoulder chain handcuffing technique? You probably didn’t. I was nice enough to show it to Zara, and then I released her so she could try it on me. Of course, she did not release me and I had to try and escape from this myself, while she went off to have a muffin!! Geeeeeeez!!
We have something really special for you today: handcuffs from the Czech Republic! And these Ralkem handcuffs have something unique: a very strange key! Which means that you can’t escape with your standard key when you get arrested over there. So be careful not to get arrested in the Czech Republic! Are you from this country? Please comment below if you know more about these weird handcuffs!
What can you do with Hannah, a chain, and a lock? I bet you can think of a thousand things, but this is something that actually not everybody can do and Hannah can do very very well: have her elbows chained together. You would expect it to hurt but it doesn’t, it just puts a lot of pressure on your arms so you may not be able to hold it for long. Of course, Hannah tried it on me too (and I can do it as well). Check it out!
ASP handcuffs are great! Because they come in many colours, and ALSO IN PINK!! They are available in hinged and chain versions, and I have both! I have pink chain ASP handcuffs and black hinged ASP handcuffs! The only drawback is that the keyhole is actually on both sides, making escapes pretty easy.
Today, me and Anahí will try to find out if there is a difference between escaping from the hinged and the chain version! What do you think? Will it make a difference? Well, we don’t really care, I still love my PINK ASP handcuffs :D LOL!
I got mail!! I love it when you fans send me mail! I got a very very nice birthday card, which I will show you in this update, and it also contained a present!! It is a golden handcuff key on a chain! The perfect jewelry for a Cuff Girl like me! You know me so well! Hahah!
The surprising thing was that it is an ACTUAL Peerless handcuff key, which really works (we tested it on our Peerless handcuffs that we are wearing in this update)! It is going to be super handy to keep this piece of jewelry around my neck in case of an emergency or an arrest :D
Thank you so much (you know who you are) for sending this gift! Big kisses!! xxx
So I found out that rope sucks for bondage, now me and Anahí had another brilliant idea: use a piece of heavy chain and a padlock as a restraint! Unfortunately, that didn’t work either! Watch this video clip to see how we try every possibility to lock our wrists in the chain, it is simply not secure enough, we can get out every time!
If you have some instructions on how to use chain to make effective handcuffs, please post your own video, or comment below to help us! In the meantime, we are going back to handcuffs! Handcuffs rule!!
Finally, the weather is getting a little better! So here is our chance, the one thing we wanted to do for a looooong time: go out in public in our custom made small waist chains! It was such a nice afternoon, we did not even notice we were wearing them! After a while you really get used to them! We would love to go to an American prison and get to wear these all day, no keys! But what is the best way to end up there? Hmm…
Anyway, we enjoyed our afternoon in the park, I hope you will enjoy this fun video clip as well. Next time you see us walking by in waist chains, come and say hi!
Hmmm wow, I received a pair of handcuffs that have a really strange hinge! Or actually it is a combination of a hinge and a chain, somewhere in between I guess! I love the way these cuffs fit my wrists, they are perfect!
It seems my collection just grows and grows, and I am a little bit too lazy to update my collection page :( But maybe soon, because I am planning to redesign this website to add some cool stuff, maybe even a member section if you think that is a good idea!
In this video I am showing Anahí my ASP handcuffs. She wants to know the difference between the chain and the hinged handcuffs, and she is curious about the double locking. We lock each other in the cuffs, and we made this video so you can learn something too ;-) LOL! Everyone visiting my place just goes straight to the pink ASP handcuffs, they just ignore the rest, there is something about pink cuffs! I will try to find more colors (or more pink, who knows!).
I love using Anahí as a test person for crazy new cuffings! I think she likes it too, but maybe she is just afraid to say anything ;-) Here is a good one for you to try at home: a handcuff shoulder harness. Totally inescapable, if you do it right. I used two padlocks (one to hang the cuffs from, and the other one to pinch the chain together at the top so it can not be slipped off). If you are mean (like I was in the video), put the cuffs way up high so the victim is even more powerless! ;D *evil*
What if you are cuffed to a chair and the keys are on the floor? Indeed… you will probably end up hurting yourself. I am waist chained tightly to a chair, hands cuffed in front, attached to the chain. The leg irons are looped around the chair, so I can not move at all! Today I will show you how I got out of this one in the picture set. Tomorrow, I will show you a video of an even greater chair escape, with the key frozen in an ice cube!!