Tag Archives: ankle cuffs
Super ultra heavy ankle cuffs

These are the heaviest ankle cuffs ever!! I will not tell you how heavy they are because I am doing an experiment in the video! I am locking them onto Anahí and we weigh her before and after, so we can calculate how heavy they are! These are massive solid steel cuffs! They are incredible!! I’m in love!

The most amazing escape so far!

This is the most amazing escape I have managed so far!! You have to see it to believe it! Okay, it was a little lucky, but those are the best ones! Anahí cuffed me to the bed using two pairs of handcuffs and two pairs of leg irons! She then tucked the key between the metal bed high above me. It was definitely out of reach. I tried everything I could to get free.
Do you want to know how I did it?! It was amazing! Watch the video to find out!

Speedcuffs and leg irons

Yes, it is speedcuffs and leg irons time!! Because speedcuffs are my most favourite cuffs in the world (because I’m British)! Anahí and myself will be showing you how to apply them, the various positions you can be cuffed in, and of course we will have an escape race to see who is the fastest! Surely I will be the winner?! They are my cuffs, from my home country!! I don’t even know if Mexico has their own cuffs!
Don’t miss this rigid escape race! It is not so easy, but we managed!

Hogcuffed conversations

Ok, back to handcuffs! More and more fans are writing to see us hogcuffed for a long time! We even did a custom video recently that was very long, just Anahí hogcuffed on the floor for ages! Just helpless, lying there!
Here is a video of us hogcuffed on the couch, like we have spent many afternoons, as we like to be cuffed like this while we discuss what we are going to do in the evening! It is actually a lot more comfortable than you think! It is also good for your back and shoulders! Don’t hesitate to try this at home! Find a friend and have a nice hogcuffed conversation for a few hours! It is worth it!

High heels and ankle cuffs

This is a fan request we recorded on our holiday! You really wanted to see my gorgeous girlfriend Anahí in high heels and ankle cuffs! And you wanted us to find out what it is like to walk in high heels and leg irons, so we are trying to find out for you in this video!
I shackle my friends legs and she tries walking around the garden! She even takes her shoes off for a quick comparison to walking indoors on bare feet. It turns out walking in high heels is actually better when you are wearing ankle cuffs! The chain doesn’t touch the floor (less noisy) and the cuffs don’t hurt as much on the back of the legs! There’s the solution for all female prisons! Just make all inmates wear high heels!!

Handcuff Weekend – part 5 – outdoors

We couldn’t have picked a worse weekend for our Handcuff Weekend!! It was still raining! And we wanted to go outside in our handcuffs and leg irons! I needed a smoke anyway, so we managed to put on our shoes and ventured into the backyard of the bungalow I had rented.
There were a number of other bungalows surrounding the big pond, and everyone was inside their little cozy homes. They were all looking at us, since they had nothing to do on their bad weather holidays! What would you have done if you had been there on holiday and saw two girls in restraints shuffling into the garden? No one came to talk to us! Oh well, we didn’t actually mind the rain so much, it was nice to be out in restraints!!

Handcuff Weekend – part 2

With Anahí also in handcuffs and leg irons, our weekend was about to start! I gave her a tour of the little holiday home that we would be cuffed in for the next days. Anahí never really slept in handcuffs and leg irons before, so that was going to be interesting! I just wish I hadn’t picked a house with wooden floors, the ankle chains are making soooooo much noise you can barely hear us! LOL!!

Handcuff Weekend – part 1

It’s summer!! And I went on a holiday :) Well, it was just one weekend, but still… it was very nice :) My friend Anahí came to visit me and she found me in my little holiday home in the far south of Holland, walking around in handcuffs and leg irons (as usual). She came over for dinner, and had been on the train for hours and hours.
So I suddenly had this crazy idea! What if we both tried to stay handcuffed for the entire holiday weekend!! It was three days, so that would be 72 hours of handcuffed fun! Anahí had not planned on staying, but once she locked a pair of cuffs and leg irons on herself, she simply couldn’t refuse, it was so much fun!! We were going to do EVERYTHING in handcuffs, even sleeping. This was one of the greatest summer weekends of my life!!

Relaxing outdoors in cuffs

It’s just a video of me and Anahí, relaxing in the fields, handcuffed and leg ironed of course! We love relaxing outdoors in cuffs! Well, actually I do, and Anahí just thinks it is fun to go with me! There were a lot of people around, but they couldn’t really see us anyway.
Tell me (comment below): I’m curious if anyone else loves to relax in cuffs!! It would make me feel less strange!

Self waist chaining: ready for summer!

We are slowly getting ready for the summer! First thing we will do (when we don’t need our winter coats anymore) is to go outside in waist chains and leg irons! Me and Anahí both own a custom made small waist chain, as regular waist chains are too big for us. Well, actually, I own them, but one is for my bestest friend in the world of course!
We can not wait to go outside in these (we already did so a few times last year, remember?), and we don’t care what people will think about it. Walking around in a waist chain is not illegal here in Holland, so there is not much that could go wrong. Probably.
Check out the video where I tell you all about our plans!

Chinese leg irons!

I have got some serious new cuffs for my collection! They even come in their own little bag! These Chinese leg irons are very very heavy! But that is not even the coolest part! They are perfect for escape challenges, because they have a cover plate over the key holes that needs to be unscrewed with a regular screwdriver! So even if you have the key, but no screwdriver, you are still in big trouble!
I am wearing a special outfit to show off these beautiful cuffs to you today! I hope you like my new Chinese leg irons! I know I do, and I will be shuffling around the house in these for a few weeks, I’m already looking forward to it!!!

Self cuffing – on a chair

Aaaah a request to cuff myself to a chair again! That is always so much fun to do! I love it! This time I picked a very heavy chair so I can not fall over. I cuff my ankles to the chair and my arms behind, this is a very rigid position, I can not even move!! I used Hiatts Ultimate handcuffs and cuffed my palms out to make it harder.
This is an incredible challenge, especially after I dropped the keys :(

My new laptop

I am really happy today: I finally got my new laptop! Pink of course! So I think I am just going to spend a nice evening on the couch with this new toy. Of course I will cuff myself (more out of habit than anything else), and this time I will even use the cute little toe cuffs! They are soooo funny and cute! I admit, maybe I am crazy to handcuff myself all the time, but I just like it and I hope some of you will enjoy watching me in my cuffs ;-)

Video diary: the impossible

Fan request! I have to attempt ‘the impossible’. I use a pair of handcuffs to cuff my leg irons to the radiator and throw the key out of reach. I guess fans like hopeless situations? But next time, you will have to be a lot more specific in your request, because I still escape!! How? Watch the video and you will see! All this in jeans, of course, for another fan, you know who you are!

Big Irish 8 ankle cuffs!

Did you know there are big Irish 8 cuffs for your ankles!? I did not know that! You could have told me :) Anway, I love the KUB Irish 8 handcuffs, and now there are ankle cuffs too! Here is me cuffing myself and trying to get out again! Okay it was not that difficult because I already know the Irish 8 handcuffs (but they can be very hard for someone who has not tried before), so the video is short (and cheap)! What next? Walking in these ankle cuffs? :)

Me and Anahí in Keysearch Madness!

So last night Anahí was over. You remember her, right? She is a close friend who loves my collection of handcuffs almost as much as I do :-) We decided to do a totally different challenge this time. We connected ourselves to each other using a pair of handcuffs and a pair of leg irons. And we handcuffed our hands in front (so that’s three pairs LOL). The key had been hidden somewhere in the room, and we really had no idea where it was. The problem was that the room was really messy with lots of clothes and stuff from me (mainly) and Anahí, so finding that pesky little thing was quite hard. Especially when you have to cooperate and coordinate all movements! This was fun! Please try this at home (and send me pics)! :-)

Leley hogcuffed me… for 2 hours!

I have called her ‘evil Leley’ before, but now I’m starting to think she really IS evil! Here’s what happened: we were doing some pictures on my bed, fooling around, Leley hogcuffed me with chain handcuffs and even cuffed herself to me! All in good fun, but when we decided to do a video, she suddenly used the hinged handcuffs to handcuff me… palms out! That is a very technical term, if you don’t know what it means you should probably go read another blog ;-) She then hogcuffed me, and added thumbcuffs, took the keys, and LEFT ME FOR 2 HOURS! Grrr… But the strangest thing may be: I actually liked it… ;-) Still, I will get my revenge on Leley, trust me!

Video diary: Smith & Wesson’s leg irons

Leg irons, leg cuffs, iron cuffs, ankle cuffs, iron leg cuffs, shackles, I never know the proper name of these things. I only have 1 pair in my collection, but they are the best! In this video I will show them to you. I also uploaded the video to YouTube, so no need to buy anything unless you want the HD version on your hard disk for future viewing (you never know when YouTube will delete my stuff). They have deleted stuff in the past. So get it while you can! I hope you like it, if anyone has suggestions for me and my leg irons, please email me!
Update: well, that didn’t take long, deleted from YouTube because of sexual content!! Ridiculous American hypocrits! LOL! I hope you were in time to view it…

The card game

My friend Leley came over and – as usual – I tried to challenge her to some handcuff escapes. Don’t worry, she’s used to my obsessions ;) Instead, she proposed to play a card game, the winner could use cuffs on the loser any way she liked. And believe it or not, I’m usually very very good at this game. But somehow I lost!! Leley showed her evil side, hogcuffing me, even cuffing my toes, tickling me (not fair!!) and then leaving me to struggle on the floor :( Grrrrrr! Next time I will take my revenge!!