Category Archives: Updates

Video diary: the big race

I think my friend Anahí is really getting used to my hobby now. Every time she comes over we talk about handcuffs, but she still doesn’t have any herself. She has accepted a few handcuff modelling assignments, so I guess she is getting into it ;-) We decided to do a race, to see who can escape from hinged handcuffs fastest (keyholes reversed, of course), the loser pays for drinks! :-) So let’s see if Anahí has learned something! I can’t let her beat me, after all it’s MY hobby and I AM CUFFGIRL!! LOL :-D

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Leley hogcuffed me… for 2 hours!


I have called her ‘evil Leley’ before, but now I’m starting to think she really IS evil! Here’s what happened: we were doing some pictures on my bed, fooling around, Leley hogcuffed me with chain handcuffs and even cuffed herself to me! All in good fun, but when we decided to do a video, she suddenly used the hinged handcuffs to handcuff me… palms out! That is a very technical term, if you don’t know what it means you should probably go read another blog ;-) She then hogcuffed me, and added thumbcuffs, took the keys, and LEFT ME FOR 2 HOURS! Grrr… But the strangest thing may be: I actually liked it… ;-) Still, I will get my revenge on Leley, trust me!

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Sunset lake swimming


Woooowwww! I’m so impressed with the look of these pictures! I went for a swim at the lake (handcuffed of course), and the pictures turned out to be amazing, because of the great lighting during the sunset! The water was a little cold, but it was well worth it, I really enjoyed my swim! After a while I didn’t even notice my handcuffs anymore, it’s just so natural. I’m sure you will forget about the handcuffs when you see the video clip (which is amazing as well), I think I’m so used to being handcuffed I would only really notice when I am not wearing any… hahahha :-)

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Video diary: demonstrating speedcuffs and thumbcuffs

My friend Anahí is here again to be my lovely assistant for some new handcuff demonstrations. First I show her my favourite pair of handcuffs: the speedcuffs! I lock Anahí’s elbows together in front of her, to show that you can not get out of that, even when you have the key. Next I demonstrate the swing-through cuffing as I have seen the police do… but I didn’t push hard enough on Anahí’s wrist :) So I demonstrated this on my own wrist, since I know I can take more (or blame myself LOL). Finally, I show Anahí my pair of thumbcuffs, but I prefer to call them toe cuffs, since I love them on my big toes. I will use Anahí’s lovely feet to show you how that works! Thank you for watching this educational video, any questions? :)

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A relaxing bath after a hard day


Aaaah, some candles and a bath full of foam! Nothing better than to relax after a hard day! I usually take a bath in handcuffs. Yes, I am strange like that, but I like to wear cuffs as much as I can :) Isn’t that bad for the cuffs, I hear you ask. Well, I don’t know. I always use the same pair for bathing and showering, so if anything happens to them it will only cost me 1 pair of cuffs.
By the way: I know the foam isn’t completely covering me in the video LOL, please quit emailing me about that, it’s not that kind of website ;-) Just enjoy and relax, like I did!

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Trying on many many cuffs with Anahí


Ok, here is a request we did especially for a few readers who wanted to see this: trying on as many cuffs as possible! Here to help me is my charming assistant Anahí *grin*, so we can cuff each other and lock ourselves together and (rather important) help each other to get out again! It may look a bit messy, but it was great fun! Please send me more requests!

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A package in the mail…


Ooooooo… ^_^… a package in the mail! A fan of my blog has sent me a pair of handcuffs!! I’m so excited! There’s even a nice letter! I had never seen these handcuffs before, it turns out they are Ralkem cuffs from the Czech republic (correct me if I’m wrong). They are really light, and the key is very strange. They aren’t very good for escape challenges since the key goes in from both sides, but the positive thing is: they fit on my elbows behind my back!! Thanks so much to the guy who sent them to me, I love them! xox

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The Lips challenge


A while back there was a video on YouTube showing a girl escaping from 2 pairs of Lips handcuffs behind her back! I thought that was very cool, so I borrowed some Lips to recreate that video! But as you know, I have to beat everyone, so I will not try to escape from 2 pairs, but 3!! Even just locking them on behind my back is a little difficult! Will I be able to escape?

By the way, check out my new CuffGirl T-shirt! Want one like that? Let me know and I will get you one!

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Video diary: my friend Anahí

Since I started this blog, I have been asked to model for handcuff websites (and some rather inappropriate websites too, NO I won’t do that!). I hope to appear on one or two sites soon! Anahí is also on these websites, she is a sweet Mexican girl and she has become a good friend! She doesn’t know much about handcuffs, and I love explaining tricks to her (but not too many, because I’d still like to win all challenges!!).
We decided to do a webcam blog entry together. I am sure you will like Anahí, she will do her best to follow my instructions and hopefully she will start to like handcuffs as much as I do! I will try to teach her the Hamburg 8 trick I discovered three weeks ago! Oh, and I also show her a pair of leg irons! Please leave a comment for Anahí to let her know you want to see her in future videos!

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Vacuum cleaning in leg irons and handcuffs


To make cleaning more interesting, I always cuff myself before doing any chores. Last time I showed you how I do the dishes, this week I will show you how I clean the floor: vacuum cleaning in leg irons and handcuffs! You have to watch out not to get entangled in the power chord and you can’t take large strides to step over things, but it sure makes cleaning a lot less boring!!

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The Speedcuffs battle with Leley


Whoohoo, I have now 2 pairs of Speedcuffs! Well, one pair isn’t from Hiatts, but they’re very similar! I challenged my friend Leley to a Speedcuffs battle. First we cuffed ourselves in front and we unlocked each other, just to show her how they work. Then we cuffed ourselves behind our back and tried to get out as fast as we could. Amazingly, Leley got lucky and she won. Instead of helping me, she grabbed my key and started teasing me! When I was finally released I got another bright idea: I tried cuffing Leley’s elbows together behind her back! It actually worked, and she was so helpless! Even with the key! I wanted to try it immediately, but unfortunately my elbows don’t come close enough behind my back to use the speedcuffs, so Leley cuffed my wrist to my elbow… I have to get practising to get my elbows together though! Does anyone know any good exercises for that?

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Video diary: Hamburg 8 handcuffs

A new pair of handcuffs! These are called Hamburg 8 and they are from Germany! They are really unusual, so I just HAD to get a pair of these! You can open them without a key when you fold them together. Of course, when your hands are in them, you can’t fold them together so you need a key to open them. Well, that’s the theory, I wouldn’t be CuffGirl if I found a way to escape these without using a key!! Want to know how? Just watch my video diary!

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Late night workout


To stay in shape, I love to do all kinds of fitness and sports exercises! In addition to rollerblading, I love doing public fitness tracks, like the one in a nearby forest. It was cold and very wet, but who cares when you’re handcuffed and having fun! :-) I try to do as many exercises as possible in cuffs, some of them are actually quite hard when your wrists are tightly locked together!

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Video diary: Smith & Wesson’s leg irons

Leg irons, leg cuffs, iron cuffs, ankle cuffs, iron leg cuffs, shackles, I never know the proper name of these things. I only have 1 pair in my collection, but they are the best! In this video I will show them to you. I also uploaded the video to YouTube, so no need to buy anything unless you want the HD version on your hard disk for future viewing (you never know when YouTube will delete my stuff). They have deleted stuff in the past. So get it while you can! I hope you like it, if anyone has suggestions for me and my leg irons, please email me!

Update: well, that didn’t take long, deleted from YouTube because of sexual content!! Ridiculous American hypocrits! LOL! I hope you were in time to view it…

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Self cuffing Chrissy style!


Here is a very hard self cuffing example for you to try at home (always have a good friend stand by to rescue you)! I have spoken to a number of people who have tried this, and it’s very hard to escape. I cuff myself with 4 pairs of handcuffs to the bed and place the key BEHIND me! You can see the end position in the preview picture below. How will I get out? Well, I’m not going to tell you, you have to see for yourself. All I can say is the video ended up being quite long! I need to practise this one more!

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Video diary: Hiatts darby 104

Another self recorded video diary about my handcuff collection. The Hiatts darby model 104 cuffs are old style handcuffs! The key is totally different from modern handcuff keys. I will demonstrate how to close and open them by handcuffing myself in them. I love these, because they are not opened quickly like modern cuffs!

Video diary: hiatts darby model 104 handcuffs

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Evil Leley speedcuffed me


I took my friend Leley for a walk and decided to show her my speedcuffs! Cuffing myself first, I thought Leley would be interested in trying them on as well. But she had a better idea, she cuffed me to the bench and started teasing me, walking away, threatening to leave me there! I was completely helpless and very mad, we were out in public and an old guy with two dogs started approaching! Fortunately, Leley decided to come back and unlock me. Next time I’ll take my revenge on this evil girl *ggrrrrrr*….

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Doing the dishes


Washing up is boring, so I usually wear handcuffs to make it a little more interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help, it’s still boring :-) I want to show you how I do it anyway, here’s me doing the dishes in my Smith & Wesson’s model 103, which I should remember to wear more often, they are great! I can reach all shelves, and my range of motion is okay, so no problems for household tasks! It’s a little easier than doing this in hinged cuffs, but I can do this in any of my cuffs! It’s not really a challenge, just trying to make a boring job more interesting :-)

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Video diary: LIPS handcuffs

My second favorite handcuffs (well, nothing beats speedcuffs) are my Lips handcuffs. Yes I know it’s a silly name for handcuffs, but they are very very comfortable, and perhaps that’s why the Dutch police use them! They also come with a very handy double lock lever, which I am trying to activate in this video (very hard to do when you’re actually IN the handcuffs… lol). I hope this little explanation helps to convince you to get a pair of these, everyone should have them, they are fabulous cuffs!

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Cuffed in the snow!


There’s snow in Holland! It’s the first opportunity for me (ever) to be handcuffed in the snow! So let’s go outside and take a nice walk! I love snow, everything looks so different outside. My wrists are tightly cuffed in my Smith & Wesson’s, let’s hope they won’t rust :)

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