Author Archives: Chrissy
Anahí testing ankle protectors

A friend of Anahí sent these ankle protectors! They are official products designed to protected your ankles from hurting when wearing leg irons on long walks. Anahí loved these, because they really work! Thanks for sending them! Now if only they had sent two pairs, we could have gone outdoors together!

Almost stuck!!

When doing home videos, it is always good to have a friend around to help you escape, in case you really get stuck. We did not really think this one through though, because me and Anahí just started cuffing ourselves to the bed with lots of cuffs, when we realised the key was too far away. It was a really close one, we barely escaped (and it hurt)! A good lesson: if you have a friend over for safety, maybe it is not such a good idea to both get cuffed!

Our personal custom cuffs

A lot of people have asked what manacles we are wearing in last week’s clip. I realised I never showed you the video from when I ordered them. We both have a pair of personal custom made cuffs. But from different manufacturers. It is not cheap to have them made, but it is definitely worth having manacles in your size! Go for broad cuffs, so you can struggle and wriggle without hurting yourself. Heavy cuffs are the best, don’t go for cheap cuffs, because you will have to order better ones later anyway, so it is best to spend some money on good ones.

Me and Anahi manacled to the wall

Remember I cuffed myself to a wall a few weeks ago? Well, me and Anahi decided to take it one step further. Maybe one step too far… we were manacled to the wall this time, with heavy cuffs, hands well above our heads. We couldn’t escape and we were stuck there for a long time. Our hands went cold and tingly and we got very sore muscles from this. Again, don’t try this at home!

Blast from the past: custom heavy manacles

Oh my god, I can’t even look at my old videos. Look at my hair!! This video was never published, I think I got a pair of handcuffs from to review, they were slightly big, but I couldn’t get out of them. They have leather lining and a padlock locking. The chain is attached to it, so there is no way of making the chain shorter (which I would have liked). They are nice and heavy and I slept with them for weeks after receiving them! Haha!

Anahí pulled into a strappado!

Anahí is (as always) my willing victim to perform this extreme position demonstration. Do not try this at home! She is elbow cuffed and handcuffed, and I try to pull her arms up with a rope. This is an old torture technique, and you have to be very careful doing this! I will show you the difference between pulling her up by her wrist cuffs and by her elbow cuffs. Interesting!

Heavy wooden fiddle

A super heavy wooden fiddle! I love it! Anahí will ‘volunteer’ to show you how it locks. The wrist holes may be a little bit too big (just a tiny bit), but a pair of handcuffs solves that problem. A pair of handcuffs actually solves ANY problem!! Hahahha :D I’m not sure if Anahí liked this fiddle, it is very heavy and big, but there was nothing she could do!

Reverse RigidFiddle

A fan suggested that we should try the RigidFiddle with our hands BEHIND our neck. Do NOT try this at home! I am being super careful with my friend Anahí because this is a hard position and not everyone can do it. Amazingly, we made it work! Thanks for suggesting this awesome but very extreme position!

Cuffed to the wall

How about this challenge! I am cuffed to the wall with two pairs of HINGED cuffs. It is impossible to escape, right? Because I can not even twist my wrists, and there is no way I can reach the other hand with my fingers. Well, of course, I will show you how I escape from this. It is VERY hard, do not try this at home if you are alone. You will need someone to rescue you in case you fail!

Irish 8 – wrists crossed palms out!
Blast from the past: Chinese flat cuffs

Lol, I found another video from many years ago, it was never published before. Look at my hair, it is insane!! Can’t believe I looked like that. Anyway, a fan sent me a pair of super long, flat Chinese handcuffs, which are awesome for escape challenges. I still have them today. These cuffs are so long, you can’t reach the keyhole with your other hand! Very hard to escape!

Straitjackets and neck cuffs

Straitjackets! Very popular member request, so here we are strapped in those frustrating canvas things again! To make it even more frustrating, we are neck cuffed together, so we can not struggle too hard. Getting out of a straitjacket is nearly impossible, but when you are together with a friend it’s possible! Let’s hope we can get out so we can finally get those neck cuffs off!

LIPS handcuffs tricks
Neck cuff to spreader bar

Hi guys! Here is a super difficult escape for you! My neck is cuffed to a spreader bar, that is under my legs, and my hands are cuffed to both ends. Now the keys to all these cuffs are in a locked metal box… and the key to this locked metal box is on the other side of the room. So first I have to wriggle over there to get the key, then back to the box, open the box, and try to open my cuffs. All this in a very uncomfortable position! My poor back!

Best magic trick ever!!!
RigidCuffing ourselves to the bed

Who said RigidCuffs are too rigid to cuff yourself to the bed? Well I don’t know if anyone ever said that, but me and Anahí are certainly going to try if it is true. We have a fiddle and a spreader, so we are just going to try different positions. The only problem is: it is almost certainly going to hurt a little… because these things are RIGID!!

Some very special cuffs!

These cuffs were sent to us to see if we liked them enough to buy a pair. Well, we first had to figure out what they were. I think they are ankle cuffs. But really special ones, with integrated high security locks. These cylinder locks can even be taken out (if they are opened first with the key) with a hex tool, to interchange them with other cuffs. Very clever! We are not sure if we are going to buy a pair, they are quite expensive, but they are fun to play with.

Heavy smooth steel fiddle

Interesting fact about RigidFiddles: they are made of aluminium. This means they are lighter than you would expect. So when I saw this awesome smooth stainless steel fiddle, I really had to try it, because it would be much heavier! Even though it is a little thinner than the original, this steel fiddle is indeed a lot heavier! Of course, I have my trusty sidekick Anahí to demonstrate the difference between the two!
If you would like to buy a smooth stainless steel fiddle, let me know, I can get them for you at a good price!

Neck cuff challenge!

This was a nice challenge! It is kind of similar to this one! Haha, remember that? We are both neck cuffed and the long chain is looped behind the radiator. So to get the key, one of us needs to get reaaaally close to the wall and the other must really stretch out! Will we be able to get the key, which is ALL the way over by the door?