FIVE thumbcuff strappado!

A new member request, with me as the victim again! (Please send in member requests with Zara as the victim thank you). I am cuffed in FIVE pairs of thumbcuffs with my palms out! Then Zara is going to try to pull my arms up into a strappado! A strappado with palms out is hard! Don’t try this at home! Or go ahead, try it, what do we care :D

Another situation I would like to be bound in , in a timeout session wow
That’s inventive, creative way to cuff her! Anahi, do you think if you had a thumb cuff key you’d have ANY chance or hope of possibly escaping this position?
I like thumbcuffs a lot but I am very very careful with them. Using two pairs at the same time, (thumbs cuffed, middle fingers cuffed, behind my back with palms out!) is how I came one or two ‘clicks’ from needing help to escape!
Now I only use thumbcuffs loosely, pre-double locker, and just enjoy the sensation even though I can slip them off.
It’s fine, cause the handcuffs are tight enough to make up for it!
I’m not a big fan of thumbcuffs because they have to be quite tight to not slip off, and the serrations on many of them can really irritate the skin.
Very effective, no chance of freeing yourself, even without the handcuffs and strappado. I assume Zara put you in this position to spank you. You could lock her in them with her hands in front, and the key on the table within easy reach, if only she could.
But struggling looks like it would be very painful. I prefer positions that are snug and secure, but still comfortable enough for struggling or just to be in for a few hours. I recently got a set of Yuil hinge cuffs with silicone lining, and they’re great. Too bad their thumbcuffs aren’t available with this feature.