Longer hinged cuffs? Why?

We don’t really understand why there is a longer version of these hinged cuffs. They don’t seem to be any harder to escape. We thought it would be harder to reach the keyholes, but it’s even easier? Can anyone tell us why these extended handcuffs exist?

I can guess, you get a big guy who can’t get his arms that far behind his back, there’s would be the ones to use, I have a pair myself, but I prefer to have my hands locked much closer
They are intended for use with larger built people that would not be able to get their wrists close enough together for normal cuffs especially when handcuffed behind.
My first guess would be that they’re for larger prisoners who’s hands can’t get that close behind their backs, but truly no clue.
Look better to use on feet!
I would think that they are either meant for overweight or disabled people who can’t have their hands behind their back that close together, or for more comfortable positioning during long periods of use.