Longer hinged cuffs? Why?

Tadaaaa, we made pipe LIPS! Don’t worry if you are not sure what that is, we aren’t sure either. It was probably the worst idea in a while, and we nearly got stuck in this super heavy contraption. Don’t try pipe LIPS at home, that’s all we can say!
Please comment below if you have done something similar (invented something and then regretted it).
Here’s a fun fact (or not so fun if your name is Zara): Zara has never in her entire life managed to inflate a balloon! She can’t do it. Feebly blowing into it, that’s all she can manage. I try to teach her the right technique but will she be able to do it? Popping balloons on the other hand, that’s Zara’s specialty! She almost gave me a heart attack! So scary!
We had this great idea to lock both wrists in both cuffs of a regular pair of handcuffs. Well, it’s not as easy as it sounds. Even a bit painful. And very risky!! Do NOT put the keyholes facing each other or you will be stuck for life! You need small wrists for this, because regular handcuffs are apparently not made to fit two wrists whhahaha :D
Irish8 palms out is extremely strict!! But what if your Irish8’s are just a tiny bit too big and your cuffing victim can turn her wrists back? Well, then you can add a pair of thumbcuffs. This prevents turning the wrists back and you will be incredibly stuck! No escape possible, even if you have the keys. Do not try this at home!