Chained hogcuff challenge

Your requests keep getting better and better! Here is one for a special member! Me and Anahí are hogcuffed on the bed, next to each other. The key is in front of us. But here’s the catch: there is a chain running from my hogcuff to Anahí’s, through the bed headboard! So if I go for the key by inching forward, Anahí has to go as far back as possible, to allow me enough length of chain to reach the key. It is almost impossible, but Anahí managed to give me a just enough slack!! Then of course, we have to get out of the hogcuffs! Incredibly fun challenge, which I would like to do with anyone of you on the upcoming fan day!

Is Ahani single? She’s a cutie!!! Haha
A real prisoners’ dilemma – if one of you lets the other go for it, they’re left rely on the other person to unlock them. If neither of you cooperate then nobody can get it.
Attach the chain through a pulley and you could have a strength test; see who can pull themselves forward and the other back..