Spread eagle on the bed

Here is one of my favourite positions of all time (after the hogcuff position of course). Try this at home! You will need four pairs of cuffs, ideally 2 pairs of handcuffs and 2 pairs of leg irons. Anahí cuffed me to the bed in a spread eagle position, taking care that all limbs are far enough apart to prevent any escape attempts. So make sure the fingers of one hand can not reach the other wrist!!
Make sure your bed is large enough to stretch you out. This way you can be sure there is absolutely no way out, unless you can get your hands on a key and if you are skilled enough to unlock cuffs with one hand.
Anahí loves to help me spend time in my favourite positions. She is so nice, she even brings me water to drink a sip! But she is also evil!! She tickled me, and I was completely defenseless!! I guess it is time for revenge soon!

Any chance for another irish-8 hogcuff?