A very hard challenge

In this challenge, I will be speedcuffed behind my back, palms out. Then two pairs of Dutch police handcuffs are suspended from the ceiling, locked onto my elbows. As you know, the keys to speedcuffs and Dutch police handcuffs are different. I am holding both keys in my hands and I have to try to escape. If I drop a key I will not be able to pick it up! Also, I have to keep standing on my toes to relieve pressure on my elbows if I want to be able to use my hands.
Unlocking speedcuffs like this is hard enough, but will I be able to unlock the elbow cuffs? If I can do this, it will be one of the most challenging escapes I ever did. Check out the video clip to see if I did it, or if I am left dangling from the ceiling by my elbows! Don’t try this at home!