Video diary: my thoughts on being fiddled and thumb cuffed

A question I get a lot: how long can I stay locked in a rigid fiddle? And thumb cuffs? Well, in this webcam video I will tell you my thoughts about it. I am not going to actually try it yet (I will do that later), but I am just thinking about what problems I would run into when I am restrained in this way.
I like a challenge, and the fiddle is one of my absolute favourites! With thumbcuffs it becomes harder to manipulate objects, but that is no problem for me. I can still eat, drink, do my makeup, watch tv, use a computer, and sleep. What more do I need? Ah yes, the toilet… I will have to think about that. A skirt might be a solution.
I might try 24 hours soon! Alone or with a friend… who knows!

Crissy, if you want something really restrictive for long term bondage, try a Ballet Stock from These lock to the neck and wrists and hold the wrists above the head. That wold make it hard to open doors, feed yourself, etc. Really evil!