Fiddle escape

After the video diary three weeks ago, EVERYONE emailed me to see me try to escape the RigidFiddle. Well, this is it: I did it!! I think I am the second person in the world to have documented a fiddle escape. Padlocked underneath, no cheating, no video cuts, no help. I can tell you one thing though: it hurts! ;-)

Congratulations Chrissy
I knew you’re not just like other girls,
i hope you enjoyed it !
keep the good posts comming !
hey you think you can use it behind your back? o.o
the fiddle look so amazing on you
i´m a big great fan from u
i look every weeks update on your site,
what comes next? a christmas update with the fiddle on your christmas tree to decorating?
very nice greets from germany
The video is amazing, I dont now how you did but wow I am impressed :-) x
well done, next time try it locked with a keyring instead of a padlock
try to use this device with your hands under your knees, i bet there would be no escape
you’re so cute with your freckles :) The rigidfiddle on you looks great!