Making pancakes in handcuffs and ankle cuffs

This has got to be one of the best updates yet!! I will show you how a full restraint set (handcuffs, ankle cuffs, connector chain) does not bother me at all in my daily routine. LOL, okay I don’t eat pancakes daily (I wish!), but making pancakes in cuffs is a very good example of how I like to make normal boring things a little more challenging! Actually, I am spending a lot of time in these restraints the last few weeks, because I want to feel what it is like to be a real prisoner! Watch me make pancakes and eat them in this update! I assure you, it will inspire you to do this at home!

I like this. Next time add the neck cuff and a connecting chain to your wrists so your write movements will be restricted to the center of your body only. Hell I just love the look of the neck cuff on you. LOL
your missing the blue box over the handcuff chain
What kind of shoes are you wearing
Be careful when cooking in cuffs: it may be dangerous if you get hot splatters or something. I advise you to put on an apron or something similar if you’re making another video.