Evil Leley speedcuffed me

I took my friend Leley for a walk and decided to show her my speedcuffs! Cuffing myself first, I thought Leley would be interested in trying them on as well. But she had a better idea, she cuffed me to the bench and started teasing me, walking away, threatening to leave me there! I was completely helpless and very mad, we were out in public and an old guy with two dogs started approaching! Fortunately, Leley decided to come back and unlock me. Next time I’ll take my revenge on this evil girl *ggrrrrrr*….

It looks not very comfortable and not so easy to get out, even if You had the key. How long did You stay handcuffed to the bench?
This does look uncomfortable with your hands twisted different from each other, but at the same time it will make your mind race in a good way. Aren’t I right?
hey there chrissy, ive got a request…coud you do a self cuffing to the bed escape whilst wearing a black buckle strap sports watch?
the only way is making your arms slip under the bench